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Enrico Bertolino has started for over two years to try his hand at an innovative theatrical formula that has successfully brought to the theaters of the main Italian cities including Rome, Milan, Bologna, Genoa, Turin and Verona. This is the Instant Theater® show in which storytelling, current affairs, humor, history, customs, news, comedy, politics and satire come together on the boards of a stage.

The formula is not that of the traditional monologue, but of the direct confrontation of the actor with the public, a constantly updated dialogue on the hottest topical issues. Through the Instant Theater®, the theater becomes a place for satirical information and the show becomes a path of knowledge of a political or social theme, a "tutorial" with a smile on their lips, particularly suitable for those who, like Bertolino himself, dripping with certainties and doubts equally distributed. Ninety minutes to spend together to clarify their beliefs and make new ones.

The formula was successfully tested in key moments of Italian politics. The show You vote! (which makes me laugh) was dedicated to the Milanese administrative elections of June 2016, in the show Why boh - Comic guide to the exploitation of the Constitution , Enrico Bertolino addressed the issue of the constitutional referendum of 4 December of the same year. In 2017 Bertolino returned to the scene in Milan with the show The two days of Milan in which stories, current events, oddities and contradictions of the Lombard capital were told, a city that changes to always remain the same.
In 2018 Di Male in Seggio takes its cue from some suggestions launched by Zygmunt Bauman, the Polish philosopher of the liquid society, photographing our life with the usual irony, the absurdities of our daily gestures, starting from the smartphone syndrome, to tell the story of the evolution (or involution) of modern society.
Enrico Bertolino, in the triple capacity of comedian, storyteller and communication expert, passes under his ironic lens some current political, social and customs issues, inducing the spectators to reflect, giving new ideas to focus more on the theme of the show .
The final phase of the show is represented by the " Press review ", an intramuscular of pure satire with the revisitation of the front pages of the major Italian newspapers that could be on newsstands the next day.
On some occasions it was possible to enrich the show through the presence of prominent guests from the world of politics, society or culture who were the protagonists of interviews conducted by Bertolino himself.
The eventual moment of the interview is part of the show in a surprising and unexpected way, giving the audience the opportunity to meet a well-known character in an unusual, funny and ironic guise.
On stage, to mark the different moments of the show and to accompany the Milanese stand up comedian in his musical performances, there will be the multi-instrumentalists Roberto Antonio Dibitonto and Tiziano Cannas Aghedu with original music and others taken from the great repertoire of Italian light music.
Instant theater® is a show produced by ITC2000, born from an idea of Enrico Bertolino and Luca Bottura, written together with Massimo Navone, who also directs it, with the collaboration of Enrico Nocera.

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